There’s no more hesitating when it comes to the green transformation – a harsh realization the industry has had to come to terms with. Companies like to believe they’re at an advantage over other industries. Yet, despite their marked success, the following still remains true: the automotive industry is not going to evolve into an exemplary green industry overnight. It’s a long – and, to a degree, also very arduous – process. However, increasingly stringent requirements and growing societal pressure have set a process in motion that is gradually but surely accelerating.
The path to emission- and CO2-free production will require the industry to reflect on their core strengths: an engineering spirit, courage, and commitment.
For the “Green Transformation” study, we surveyed industry experts from a total of 239 automotive companies in July 2021. 78 percent of those who participated in the study hold leading positions, with every fifth participant occupying a managing role. Primarily larger companies were considered for the study. 61 percent boast a recorded annual turnover of over 600 million euros, with 64 percent of the companies employing more than 3,000 employees.
As part of our study, we identified 6 key insights:
The main drive for the green transformation for car manufacturers comes from external forces: laws, regulations, and politics.
Environmental consciousness is no longer just a catchphrase, but rather is increasingly being regarded as a matter of course.
The progressive steps towards implementation of environmental measures for improvement within the companies are often only moderately successful.
Car manufacturers are becoming more and more cognizant of their CO2 footprint.
Seven out of ten companies see the lack of economic viability of the environmental measures as a big obstacle to promoting the green transformation within their own company.
For many companies, the supply chain still poses a major hurdle on the path to more environment-friendly production.
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The success achieved thus far shows a positive note, and this study illustrates that the companies are self-critical enough to openly talk about existing weaknesses. That’s precisely why this study is so important, as this is in many cases still uncharted territory for the industry. No more hesitating: knowledge gives you the leading edge.
We look forward to talking to you.