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staufen magazine 2023 / 2024 – No. 6

Successful companies are future-oriented and anticipate major upheavals of tomorrow. With our magazine, we offer orientation and show how companies can overcome the challenges of widely diversified supply chains or the establishment of sustainable processes.

Mockup Akademieprogramm 2023
Academy & Qualification

Academy program 2023

The Staufen Academy is committed to equipping companies, executives and employees at all organizational levels with the skills they need to do just that. The basis for this is our Academy Program 2023. Supported by 65 renowned BestPractice partners, we have put together a comprehensive knowledge mix of seminars, in-house training, e-learning and plant visits.

Academy and consulting always go hand in hand at Staufen AG. This guarantees a strong practical relevance as well as the immediate transferability and applicability of what is learned.

Academy & Qualification

Academy program 2022

In order to stay one step ahead of the competition in the future, it is of fundamental importance for companies not only to continuously develop themselves, but also their own employees.

More than 100 experienced trainers and 70 international BestPractice partners support you in your individual training and development. We have set ourselves the goal of empowering our learners with new, high-quality learning formats where they want to be empowered: offline, online or blended!

Staufen Magazine 04
Brochures / Broschüren / Consulting Services

Staufen Magazine 2021 | No. 4

Do you like great stories? So do we! Our magazine tells stories of success with the aim of inspiring you to make your own company fit for the future.

Brochures / International

Stabilität und profitable Geschäftsentwicklung in China (German)

Die Herausforderungen für internationale Firmen in China nehmen zu.
Academy & Qualification / Brochures

Academy Program 2021

When it comes to developing and optimizing our companies, the buzzwords “lean management” and “digital transformation” have been dominating the scene for years or – in the case of “lean” – for decades. Digitalization offers great opportunities, especially in terms of top-line growth. While new markets open up and new business areas are created, others disappear. Entire industries are revolutionized. It is therefore vital to address these issues, evaluate the opportunities and risks and then move forward with confidence.
Brochures / Industries

Mechanical and Plant Engineering in Transformation

In brief: Mechanical engineering is in a period of transformation. It has to introduce restructuring at the organizational and process levels and adapt to changing market and competitive conditions. Management and employees have to be qualified so that they are ready for this change.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Cause Analysis And Problem Solving In Quality Emergencies

Increasing warranty expenses and recourse claims as well as recall campaigns are an almost daily occurrence in the automotive industry – and are associated with enormous costs and lasting damage to the image of manufacturers and their system suppliers. In recent years, significantly more cars were recalled than ever before.
Brochures / Consulting Services


Administration today has to provide flexible support for the Lean value stream – and at the same time cope with increasing complexity and constantly increasing internationalisation. Challenges that were traditionally met with an increase in personnel now have to be overcome with the use of new IT tools, adapted organisational structures and continuously optimised processes. Lean Administration shapes the processes that support value creation and operate in accordance with Lean logic and methods. Potentials in administration are not obvious but have to be developed through analysis and process optimisation as well as through effective communication and management.
Brochures / Consulting Services


Lean Development reduces lead times in the product creation process through the elimination of waste. A Lean Development System uses lean principles, based on organisational and operational methods with the aim of takt-timing development projects efficiently and securing their results. Mentor-mentee dialogue instead of hierarchy and micromanagement Frontloading instead.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Lean Sales

Lean Sales creates transparency and measurability in sales processes, facilitating the best use of available resources and the avoidance of waste. In addition to the application of methods, the professional development of sales staff insures the fullfillment of customer expactations.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Shop Floor Management

Shop Floor Management supports the consistent and sustainable development of processes and procedures at the point of origin. The presence of management in the production areas and their focus upon standard deviations enable decisions to be sped up and employees to be developed into improvement managers.
Brochures / Consulting Services


Shop Floor Management, on-site leadership, finds its way to all business areas. The presence of the responsible manager and the consistent and sustained development of processes gains importance. The focus on deviations and the direct path towards problem solution delivers clear benefits and results. However, conventional Shop Floor Management reaches its limit managing global processes and projects. The fragmentation of the value added chain of geographically dispersed teams hampers communication, leadership processes, the provision, and the necessary transparency.
Brochures / Consulting Services


Problem solving as part of our Quality Excellence approach focuses on the rapid identification of causes for quality deviations. Depending on the complexity of the problem, these are addressed with specific methods.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Lean Innovation (German)

In einem dynamischen Umfeld müssen Unternehmen gezielt und vorausschauend ihre Zukunft gestalten. Produktlebenszyklen, Produktions- und Lieferzeiten werden sich weiter verkürzen. Durch fehlende Innovationskraft sind viele Unternehmen jedoch nicht in der Lage sich an neue Technologien, Wettbewerber und Märkte anzupassen. Ein reiner Effizienzwettbewerb kann langfristig keine Lösung im internationalen Wettbewerb sein. Nutzen Sie die Chancen aus Technologietrends und richten Ihr Innovationsportfolio strategisch aus, um bereits heute zukünftige Kundenbedürfnisse zu adaptieren.
Brochures / Consulting Services


Lean Construction is the holistic approach for sustainable results in the realisation of construction projects. Thanks to transparency and measurability at every stage of the implementation, available resources can be used purposefully and waste avoided.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Lean Service (German)

Basierend auf einer klaren Servicestrategie führen schlanke Serviceprozesse zu einer schnellen Lösung des Kundenproblems. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Transparenz und eine kurzzyklische Kommunikation über die gesamte Serviceorganisation sowie die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung von Führungskräften und Mitarbeitern. Lean Service ist ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz, der Ihrem Kunden eine störungsfreie Nutzung seines Produktes gewährleistet. Ein erweitertes Serviceangebot bietet zusätzliche Wachstumschancen. Diese stellen den Service vor neue Herausforderungen.
Brochures / General brochures

Staufen – What applicants want to know.

Staufen is a Great Place to Work. And that‘s not just what we think: that was the official statement made by the research and consulting institute of the same name. And it‘s the third time they‘ve given us that title. Here are a few of the reasons why.
Brochures / General brochures

Lean Glossary

Here you find all terms and explanations of the Lean World. The glossary is also available for download.

Brochures / General brochures

Staufen Company Brochure

Staufen is a Lean Management consulting service and academy. We believe that inside every company, there is an even better one. Our passion is helping you discover the better version of your company and working with you to stablish a sustainable culture of change. This will make your business lean, clever and able to optimize.

Brochures / Consulting Services

Die wertorientierte Due Diligence (German)

Die Unternehmenswertsteigerung stellt das Hauptkriterium bei der Investmententscheidung dar. Als Kerninstrumentarium bei der Durchführung von Transaktionsprozessen dient die Due Diligence dazu, nicht nur die Risiken zu identifizieren sondern vor allem auch die Chancen (Hebel = Lever) zu bewerten. Als wesentliche Zielsetzung soll die Due Diligence dabei dem interessierten Investor eine Aussage über die Entwicklung des potenziellen Investmentobjekts liefern und mögliche Szenarien zur Wertsteigerung aufzeigen.
Brochures / Consulting Services


Developing companies to top performance is our objective. In our projects, we combine expert know-how in restructuring and finance with Lean Management and our BestPractice experience. With an approach based on principles of operational excellence rather than pure cost-cutting, we not only achieve quick results but also establish attitudes and practices in accordance with Lean principles along the core processes and the value stream.
Through consistent implementation of Lean principles, we achieve sustainable performance improvements and make companies robust, flexible and competitive.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Anlaufmanagement (German)

Neben Ursachen wie der gestiegenen Komplexität der Gestaltungsobjekte
und der abstimmungsintensiven interdisziplinären
Zusammenarbeit, ließen sich in den letzten Jahren weitere herausfordernde
Trends identifizieren. So sind Unternehmen heute mit einer gestiegenen Produkt- und
Variantenvielfalt bei kürzeren Lebenszyklen konfrontiert, was zu
einer signifikanten Steigerung von Anläufen und Ausläufen führt.
Die notwendigen Anpassungen von Anlaufstrategie, Organisation
und Prozessen führen dann fast zwangsläufig zu Zeitverzug.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Daten die flüssig machen (German)

Rein äußerlich betrachtet sieht es gut aus, fühlt sich gut an und scheint das richtige Gewicht zu haben. Das Werkstück, dass eben in der Gitterbox gelandet ist, auf der ganz groß steht: „Nacharbeiten oder einschmelzen.“ Qualität und die damit unmittelbar zusammenhängende Ausbringungsmenge sind die beiden Worte mit denen sich Gießereien Tag ein Tag aus beschäftigen.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Design to cost und value engineering (German)

Oft erreichen Projekte ihre geplanten Produktzielkosten im Rahmen einer Produktentwicklung nicht. Die geplanten Produktzielkosten werden überschritten oder sind erst gar nicht vorhanden. Das Produkt ist nicht wettbewerbsfähig und die geplante Rendite nicht zu realisieren. Mit sehr hohem Aufwand müssen nun vorhandene Kostenpotenziale erschlossen und nachträglich umgesetzt werden. Um dies zu vermeiden ist der Entwicklungsprozess von Anfang an mit einer gezielten Kostensteuerung zu begleiten.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Purchasing & Procurement (German)

Der Einkauf und die Beschaffung stehen vor besonderen Herausforderungen, da Aufträge oftmals sehr komplex sind und die Kundenwünsche stark variieren. Ineffizienzen in den Wertströmen führen hierbei nicht nur zu höheren Kosten, sondern zu massiven Problemen und Risiken in der Lieferkette. Unser Ziel ist es, die Einkaufsperformance nachhaltig zu verbessern und neben der reinen Kostensenkung, verschwendungsfreie Wertschöpfungsketten zu generieren. Ausgehend von den Anforderungen der Produktion und Logistik sind die Lean Prinzipien konsequent auf den Einkauf und die Lieferkette auszuweiten.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Lean Transformation

Many traditional companies find themselves in a period of transformation. They have to adapt their organizations and processes to changing market and competitive conditions. Their managers and employees have to be empowered to take an active part in helping to shape this transformation sustainably.

more things to know

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In our blog you will find insightful articles about the topics that drive us: Lean Management, Organizational Development, Digitalization, …

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Read here about the things that move us and your industry. Our selection of news will keep you up to date about people, projects and the latest issues of interest.

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In times of rapid, sometimes even disruptive change, an organization’s ability to adapt and change is the success factor par excellence. Without a finely tuned culture of change that promotes a pioneering spirit and personal responsibility, it will not be possible to successfully anticipate future developments. In our podcast, business leaders and innovators discuss the challenges ahead as well as new ways and opportunities to flexibly adapt to them.

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