Why the role of a young, aspiring leader is so important

New and young leaders are critical for the future success of a company. They bring a fresh outlook, a high degree of motivation and innovative ideas with them. It is definitely worthwhile to invest in these promising young talents and to assign them a central role in corporate leadership.

This is why investing in their training and development is essential if we are to make the most of their potential and lay the foundation for strong and sustainable corporate governance.

Your contact
Portrait Lea Buchmüller

Lea Buchmüller

Head of Academy

Staufen AG

Phone: +49 7024 8056 151

E-Mail: academy-service@staufen.ag


EUR 4.490 VAT incl. one-on-one meetings
and virtual learning elements

Target group

Aspiring and young managers in lower management

Open Badges

You will receive the “Young Professional Leader” certificate and the open badge
after successfully completing both modules.

Training structure


Structuring the daily work routine as a leader.

Module 1

The focus is on how you define your role as a leader, how you can properly settle into your new position, and how you can organize your everyday life to allow sufficient freedom for leadership, including key leadership tasks and effective work design.

Duration: 2 days


Leadership Essentials

Leadership eSSENTIALS

Managing individual employees and an entire team.

Module 2

The focus is on how you can ensure a collegial and performance-based working atmosphere by adopting the right inner attitude and by clearly communicating, how you can master critical situations and conflicts in the team, how you can delegate tasks successfully, and what you can do to motivate employees to take on more responsibility.

Duration: 2 days


Leadership Essentials

One-on-one meetings

We approach your personal concerns specifically in one-on-one meetings. You work out strategies and approaches to solutions with
our experienced
trainers and coaches
so that you as the leader can face challenging and difficult situations in your daily work routine.

2 meetings at 1 hour each

Young Professional Leader TRAINING PROGRAM

Our blended learning approach is perfectly suited to the dynamic workday of young and aspiring leaders. Your time is precious – to ensure that “learning” can be optimally combined with your daily work routine, we combine in-person and e-learning formats on your learning journey: for maximum flexibility and efficiency.

E-learning sessions included in this training program:

  • Web-based Training “Giving Feedback – Accepting Feedback”
  • E-learning nugget bundle “Leadership Principles”

Young Professional Leader Program

Discover our 2025 training program now! Download the digital brochure directly or have the print version conveniently delivered to your home.

This is what makes the Young Professional Leader so special

Advancing innovation

Young leaders bring new ways of thinking and innovative approaches that help companies stand out from the competition and adapt to change quickly.


Your high level of motivation and enthusiasm promotes a positive corporate culture and increases not only productivity, but employee satisfaction as well.

Securing the future

Developing young leaders ensures lasting management expertise within the company while guaranteeing that it always has qualified successors.

Strengthening agility

Often, young leaders tend to be particularly flexible and open to new technologies and methodologies, which helps to keep the company innovative and competitive.

Triggering a culture change

Young leaders are often the driving force behind modern, agile, and an inclusive work environment. They help foster a dynamic corporate culture of continuous learning and adaptability.

Customer Testimonials

“The program helped me further develop my leadership skills and strengthen my
confidence in my role as a young leader. The exchange with other aspiring
leaders was especially valuable.”

“The Young Professional Leader training was a true game-changer for me! Thanks to the practical content and excellent trainers, I not only expanded my leadership knowledge but also gained tools to effectively motivate and lead my team.”

“Through the training, I gained both solid leadership expertise and the confidence to apply it in my daily work. It allowed me to grow personally and professionally, giving me greater assurance in my new role.”

Download a digital copy of the Young Professional Leader Training Program or request a printed copy now

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    Is this training suitable for you?

    Your contact
    Portrait Lea Buchmüller

    Lea Buchmüller

    Head of Academy

    Staufen AG

    Phone: +49 7024 8056 151

    E-Mail: academy-service@staufen.ag

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